MANAJEMEN PESERTA DIDIK (Penelitian Kualitatif di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Tahfizh Qur'an Terpadu Madinatul Qur'an Depok)
Kata Kunci:
management, learnersAbstrak
This research aims to determine (1) The application of students at the
Integrated Tahfidz Qur'an Middle School (TQT Middle School) Madinatul Qur'an
Depok, (2) Management factors that support and hinder the management of
students at TQT Madinatul Qur'an Middle School an Depok (3) Solutions
implemented by TQT Madinatul Qur'an Depok Middle School in overcoming
student management obstacles at TQT Madinatul Qur'an Depok Middle School.
This research was carried out at the Tahfizh Qur'an Integrated Middle School
Madinatul Qur'an Depok using qualitative methods by interviewing 4 HR resource
persons at TQT Madinatul Qur'an Middle School Depok which was conducted from
February to July 2023.
The results of the research found that; (1) the management of students at
TQT Madinatul Qur'an Depok Middle School has been running quite optimally,
starting from planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating although there
are several obstacles in the HR and infrastructure department, but overall the
management of students at the Middle School TQT Madinatul Qur'an Depok is
running optimally. (2) Factors that become obstacles include not all competent
human resources understanding student management. Lack of coordination
between units and members and the student recruitment process does not comply
with the school's vision and mission standards. (3) The solution carried out by the
TQT Madinatul Qur'an Depok Middle School in overcoming obstacles and
implementing student management is providing training or workshops to training
human resources, holding coordination meetings between units and members,
providing infrastructure through the provision of waterproofing for the head school
infrastructure and disseminating PSB through studies and webinars for teachers
and students.
Some suggestions that can be given in this research include, (1) Should
improve the application function of student management (2) More aggressively
publish information about TQT Madinatul Qur'an Depok Middle School (3) If
possible the school can add clear criteria regarding participant motivation
educated to attend TQT Madinatul Qur'an Middle School, Depok. If possible, when
parents register their children, they ask questions regarding things they need to pay
attention to.